Hi shippers!
this time, it's about Section TV interview.
I won't talk about the interview. It's about YSH gesture... 



my thought:
Before go to the points, you have to watch Kim Seon Dal Section TV interview

  1. In this interview, the cast of Kim Seon Dal were asked to show how to charm the girl or the boy that they like. When YSH was asked to do it first, he leaned to the girl, put his hand behind the girl and he made his legs relaxed. Now, watch the Ruler Section TV interview. Do you see that YSH legs relaxed during interview? and his pose, it's same with the one he showed in Kim Seon Dal Section TV. So manly! When you watch IANAR section TV, do you get the same vibes? Me : No! ❤
  2. in Ruler, I got the feeling that YSH wanted to charm KSH and he wanted to get KSH attention. Look at how he tried to showing off (he said that he would smash the viewers heart and immediately look at KSH reaction). During IANAR, maybe you'll see that after he said that he's perfect (00:15 second video) he also look at CSB, but if you look carefully he looked at her after CSB UKJ and HSU laughed at him. He looked at everyone, not a certain person. 
  3. YSH relaxed during Ruler Section TV but he looked stiff during IANAR section TV.
  4. Simply, YSH felt really comfortable around KSH and he became manlier and showed his protective side towards KSH.
Look at this screen captures. You'll see the differences easier!

when YSH asked to show his charm to the girl he liked


the way YSH sat was similar with the one in Kim Seondal Section TV ❤

YSH looked relax and comfortable during Ruler interview


Although sometimes YSH laughed during IANAR interview, you can see that he looked stiff
(the way he sat and his legs position)


I see, so you tried to show her your charm... I feel your heart Seungho yah....


  1. Chingu, thank you! I've been watching the section TV but didnt understand what was said! With your explanation, its even clearer.

    Its no doubt that he was most comfortable with KSH, and its both ways. I also find KSH more relax and comfortable with YSH.

    WOuld it be too much to request for you to translate the videos that did not have subtitles? Its ok if its too troublesome. Just trying my luck

    1. You're welcome chingu. I'm so glad that you like it.
      both are relax and comfortable around each other.

      I made a very rough translation about the video.
      check this out: http://shyshycoupleparadise.blogspot.com/2017/12/mbc-section-tv-translation-ruler-and.html

      actually I want to post the translation on soompi, but I hesitated. I decided to just post it on this blog hahaha
      I'm sorry if there are some mistakes...

    2. THank you chingu for always pandering to me. Don't apologise. I am so happy now I do understand some of it. And one of the things I wanted to know was his cats names, and now I know.
      And I thot he has 2 cats, its grown to 4!

  2. Thanks chingu for sharing this! It is really hard to find all these precious moments with my limited knowledge of the Korean language. By the way, thank you for creating this blog. Totally loving it! Can see myself camping here often just for my daily dosage of shyshy moments <3

    1. You're welcome chingu...
      My korean is also limited, so I may made some mistakes but I'll try to do my analysis as accurate as possible, I hope you'll love it ^^

      Let's camp here and get excited to every shyshy couple moments ^^

  3. I’m so grateful to you for creating this blog chingu. This is truly a shyshy couple paradise we have here. Let’s keep this blog active and alive!

    1. I'm glad that you like it chingu ^^ yes, let's keep our excitement alive ❤

  4. MsSubak! Your goal is achieved. We are going to have more fun here and less restrictions. Thank you for going out of your way with this.

    1. Yay! let's have more fun here! no more restrictions! ❤❤❤

  5. Yeahh i really love your analysis~!! You have solid basis for every argument! ^^ thankss

    1. You're welcome chingu ❤ I hope it meets with your expectation, and you agree with my analysis ❤❤❤

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. After reading your analysis and seeing all the pictures. I just realized how beautiful Sohyun is. Chea Soobin has her own Charms but Kim Soohyun ist just .... what can i say, she is in an other level. Not just she is so beautiful but she is also very elegant and feminine. I don't really notice that until i see two pictures of Chea Soobin and Kim Sohyun stand side by side. I feel like i am seeing the next Kim Teahee or Song Hyekyo. Not so difficult to understand if Yoo Seungho like her for real.
