MBC Section TV Translation (Ruler and IANAR)

Well, I’ll try to give a rough translation.
I'm sorry in advance if I make some mistake 😁😁😁 I hope you like it and it's easy to understand  ♥♥♥
2nd Video of Ruler Section TV

  • How was act with YSH (chemistry). KSH said that they’re like 찰떡 (calddeok). Means they matched well and stick together like calddeok (rice cake)
  • Some of his fans said that he was a part of the drama but his scene got cut completely from the drama. But L said that he just took a photo with YSH but he didn’t cast on the drama. Now, YSH and L close because both have cats, so they share and talk everything about their cats.
  • 01:13 Is there something that you’ll give up for love? So hee loves eat. She can’t stop once she eats the food that she likes. When PSG asked her what she wanted to eat the most now, she said she wanted to eat bingsu.
  • 01:45 who’s the one who like to see the mirror the most. Everyone pointed on seungho. He said that he often looked at the mirror to check his eyes because of the filming locations were so far so he need to wake up at 2 a.m. so his eyes were on the bad condition and he often had eye boogers. 

1st Video of IANAR Section TV

  • What’s the function that you want to have (robot function)? Seungho said that he wanted to have “non-tired” function because he felt tired due to the continuous filming. But UKJ teased him by said that YSH wanted to have a robot that would help him to wash. So, YSH corrected that he wanted to have “well-washed + non-tired” functions.
  • 01.10 What’s the difficult point of act in IANAR? YSH felt that it’s difficult to act sometimes because he had a stiff thought that he had to be funny.
  • 01:22 they talked about UKJ. UKJ well-known as an actor who plays many antagonist character, but in IANAR he has to do many “aegyo” and he thanked MBC to give him such a chance. But he felt very awkward when he did the “aegyo”. The MC asked him to do “heart machine aegyo”. After UKJ did it, CSB suggested to imitate him. Then YSH said, “wah, you even imitated his voice”

2nd Video of IANAR Section TV
  • YSH played many perfect character (Remember and Kim Seon Dal), in IANAR he also took the role of Kim Min Gyu (perfect from the head to toe), so the MC asked him if there’s a reason to take such kind of role. YSH said that maybe he has a “perfect vibe”, everyone laughed at his self-compliment. Then he said that he didn’t know the other way to answer the question.
  • 00:27 The MC asked YSH if there’s actor who he thinks handsome and perfect. YSH said that he thinks Jung Woo Sung is a perfect actor (handsome, tall, good actor, etc)
  • 00:45 They talked about YSH cats. The MC asked YSH about SamWoli and Myeongwoli. YSH said that his cats were all good, he gave them a kiss (ppoppo) before he leaved that morning. He said that the four cats have a different character. At 01:09 UKJ asked about YSH cats name, it’s Sam Woli (Sam Wol), Myeong Woli (Myeong Wol) (pronounce as Sam Wori and Myeong Wori), Joong Ji and Harry. Then suddenly UKJ showed his middle finger (Joong Ji means middle finger). YSH explained that he named his cat Joong Ji because it bit his middle finger and made him bleeding a lot.
  • The MC asked UKJ about his turtles. He said that he has 3 turtles, when he was asked about their name, he said that their name are keobugi, keobugi and keobugi. Everyone laughed because keobugi means turtle.