Hi chingu deul ๐Ÿ˜„
Here is my short analysis about IANAR BTSโ€ฆ.
Caption : Stamina King CSB & Careful King YSH
1.      At the beginning of the video YSH and CSB discussed about who would go first for filming.
YSH : Lady first
CSB : because last time I go first, this time you go first.
YSH : Lady first
YSH : Please, go first
you can see that YSH is very well-mannered. Proud of him!
2.       Caption : when you need to touch Jia hair
YSH touched her head very carefully, because CSB wig is getting messed easily, (please watch the IANAR preview / episode 0. They talked about CSB wig). And if you look carefully, the camera behind CSB was in standby position, they would begin filming shortly. Also, there was someone else who helped CSB to make her hair keep straight.
If you watch the drama (episode 3) you will know, that this is the scene where MinGyu (YSH) tried to reboot Aji3 (CSB) by pressed the button on her back neck)
3.       She did some squats. She did it many times in many takes (you can see that the angles changed several times) but they didnโ€™t show us when YSH asked her if she hurt or not.
Usually if there are some sweet moments between couple of a drama, they will show us in BTS as a part of promotion. For example, point no.2. Although I didnโ€™t feel something special (maybe because I am a shipper hahaha ๐Ÿ˜œ but trust me, I always make my analysis based on reality and I try to become as neutral as possible)
4.     CSB filmed her scene alone, I think YSH already went home because in point No.1 they discussed who would go first. Or YSH waited somewhere else for filming.


  1. Waa.. that was interesting. You can see YSH was friendly but you donโ€™t get the same vibes with KSH where you could also get that he likes and want to be with her

    1. shyshy couple is the best, we know that they're special โ™ฅ
