00:10 CSB keep flapping her coat because she felt hot.

CSB : It’s hot
YSH : (smiled, and seems like his mind was at somewhere else)
(the staff talked to CSB)
CSB : What? I look like a pervert? (Because she keeps flapping her coat, if I’m not mistaken the staff joked that she looked like perverts in Korea who like to show their naked body inside their coat)
YSH : (didn’t look interested, and seems like he didn’t get the staff’s joke)
CSB : Oppa, it’s really hot
YSH : (busy with his pants) it’s hot? It’s really extreme (the weather).(sometimes) It’s really hot, it’s really cold (like talked to himself)
Staff : It looks like you’re really close to each other.
(Both were look awkward)
CSB : It’s because sunbaenim (YSH) is really good to me
YSH : why does at the situation like this you call me sunbae? (pretended to look shy, but immediately backed to his flat expression)
CSB : sunbaenim kkeseo (kkeseo is honorific marker of subject, so she tried to joke about called YSH as her senior whom she respect)

01:28 CSB made an NG, look at YSH expression, seems like he laughed but looked so tired

01:50 the director said that the scene was ok, so both CSB and YSH laughed and CSB walked away, but YSH called her so she came back. See at 01:57 YSH turned to his left after CSB approached him.

I don't know why the staff asked them if they are close to each other, is it their intention to make us think that they're really close? lol, just kidding... maybe they're close (as a friend) but I'm sorry, but I can still see many awkwardness


00:04 they talked about their tight schedule
YSH : I heard that you finished late yesterday?
CSB : (asked the staff) What time did we finish yesterday?
Staff : 5 a.m. (dawn)
CSB : that’s right. I went home, washed up and then the sun rised.
YSH : Aigoo. I guess you didn’t even have time to sleep.

aaah... so you heard it from someone else (I guess from the staff) and just asked her about it at the filming site just before the filming started? I see... lol, just kidding...
Well-mannered seungho always concern about his co-stars. Proud of you seungho ya… Even though I can only see you tried to become friendly without being too much. Your face, eyes and body language tell us everything seungho ya...

00:21 they talked about YSH hairstyle
CSB : Is it a concept where you get your hair wet on purpose?
YSH : I don’t know (shook head)
CSB : sexy concept.
YSH : (laughed awkwardly)
CSB : Like just took a shower then left
YSH : No, No, it’s not (shook head)
CSB : Shall I get (my hair) wet too?
YSH : (laughed slightly with more awkwardness and then looked away)
(no need to explain, right? Just watch the video and you can feel the awkwardness)

The second video is about the moments compilation of GyuAh couple (IANAR couple). You can see that YSH was just being professional, with many awkwardness and less interactions. And the last part of the video... it made everything about last week BTS is more clear to us, they were really aware of the camera. Glanced and looked directly, even made a pose to the camera lol 



Link for IANAR BTS video:

The kiss scene was filmed on the same day as MBC section TV (IANAR Special). Remember when YSH and CSB were asked by Park Seul Gi about kiss scene? He didn’t excited and I got the vibe that he didn’t want to talk about it. I think the kiss scene was filmed after interview. HSU also said that there they would do a kiss scene that day. I think it’s for YSH and CSB. That’s why YSH shocked.
Now I know why YSH looked didn’t excited and less lively. Maybe he didn’t feel like filming a kiss scene after the interview.
And yesterday in vlive, he said that he and CSB aren’t dating because he wanted to assure us (and someone). Seems like he gave his statement and declaration before the scene was aired, so there will be no misunderstanding.

Now let’s jump into the analysis.
For me, the part where YSH gave a cup to CSB means nothing. I focus more on his gesture. Look carefully, he didn’t pay attention to CSB. He gave the cup then he looked into somewhere else. Maybe it’s just me, but again, I feel like this BTS scene was intentional. Both YSH and CSB kept their angle so that the camera could capture them. But of course, I still can see your true feeling seungho yah… you looked so uncomfortable.....
For the kiss scene itself, I didn’t sense YSH shyness, he kept his face flat and laughed a lot like it was nothing. It’s like his previous kiss scenes before Ruler. Also, notice at 01:42, he broke the kiss first. In Ruler he waited for KSH to break the kiss first. Then he looked at somewhere else. Do you remember the Ruler ocean kiss scene BTS? YSH stared at KSH for a long time after the kiss. And the touch at 02:05 was just to lift the mood. At 02:14 he looked at somewhere else again.

The second video can be found at:
I won’t explain too much about the second video, because there is nothing special. They just looked friendly when the camera was on. Please note that YSH only tried to be friendly but he didn't exaggerate things.

Additional point.

Do you hear YSH called CSB with soobinah? You don’t have to worry, chingu. It doesn’t mean that they are really close. Because suffix –ah () in Korean name is used to call someone who is same age, younger or have lower status than you. When you talk in formal you use suffix ssi, but ah and yah are used in informal.They are used to "soften" the sound of the name (to make the sounds of the name more natural) because in Korean it's so unnatural to call just by name.
You can use a/ah () his/her name is ended by consonant and –ya/yah () if its ended by vocal.
–ah and –yah are only used when you called someone directly or when you talk to him/her. If you talked about him/her you can use suffix –ie/ –i  (). But suffix ie can only be used to name which ended by consonant.
So, this suffix doesn’t mean something special. Even a “not so close” sunbae can call her/his hoobae by adding this suffix name.
Also, suffix –a/ah (), ya/yah (), and ie/ i  () are used when newly acquainted decided to talk informally (as long as they're same age, younger, or having lower status). Don't use it to a stranger, because it's rude.
That’s why I never said that YSH and KSH are really close just because he calls KSH by sohyunah and sohyunie. We can say that they’re close by the way they talked, their gesture, body language and the way they keep praising each other.

Thank you and Fighting!!!


I don’t see much interaction between them. Even they sat awkwardly.

Look at YSH hand, after CSB made an NG (the PD asked her to sing along), YSH loosen his hand, seems like he didn't want to hold hand if it's not filming time.

YSH played with soap bubble. But seems like the bubble went to other people face, so he decided to move. Then CSB join him. She suggested having a battle, who would create more bubble. Then YSH also suggested who would create farther bubble. YSH won. And CSB said, “It’s because I have a smaller amount (of soap).” Then YSH told her to change the bottle. He said, “if you had a small amount, you have to tilt it (the bottle).
But suddenly a crew approached him and said something. Then YSH play alone.
Do you hear some click noises from camera start from 00:40 (and before it)? I heard it chingu, I think they made this “BTS scene” part intentionally. For promotion, I guess. Because after the crew approached YSH, he went to play alone.

Caption in hug scene (CSB talked about her wig smell)
CSB : I don’t know if the wig was washed or not. No. If I washed it, it will get even worse.
YSH : It really doesn’t smell at all.
CSB : Please tell me If you smell something and makes you can’t continue filming.
YSH : Really?
CSB : Say it.
YSH : What are you doing?
I detect some shyness from CSB. But not from YSH. YSH was so professional, and I get the vibe that he wanted to do and end it quickly.
His body language and gesture can't lie, right? The way he hug, hold hands, and caress with his thumb are different. He only did them lovingly to sohyunie. Simply, with sohyunie he put his real feelings into his acting even if it's just rehearsal before filming...

P.S. Chingudeul, It's our OTP works. We may see lovey dovey or sweet scenes. But, it means nothing. It's just works, acting. Let's trust seungho and sohyunie, keep our faith in them...
