After read the Seung Ho interview for ELLE, we can get some points.
The reason why he consider IANAR as a precious work that he wants to cherish
So, I think it doesn't have any relation with certain person, but it's only about the message of the drama and Seung Ho's personal achievement. He said that he knew about IANAR was being loved by many people internationally. Many Korean netizen also praised him for his great acting. It made him realized that he did a great job. Yes, you did well Seung Ho ya...
He also said that the filming process didn't make him change. He still being his usual self. But the drama message made him learn something (people get hurt by the others but eventually they're also healed by the others too).
About Ruler, he said that he felt unsatisfied about some things.
He felt that the story in "Ruler" was very heavy and difficult, even about the romantic aspect. It's very complicated. Seung Ho and So Hyun characters were in the situation where they couldn't tell the whole truth. It's even more difficult than Seung Ho's other dramas. Also, Seung Ho felt exhausted for the long 7 months of filming, even he lost some weight. The cast and crew suffered from the cold and hot weather.
So, it's about the genre and *cough* about the less romantic scenes.
He was happy during Ruler filming, because despite of a heavy drama, he said that he met with a new family. He miss everyone after Ruler ended. The Ruler cast also have a group chat and sometimes have reunion.
He feels unsatisfied, they only have a few romantic scenes and the feelings is complicated and difficult. That's why he wants to work with So Hyun in a modern, light and lovey dovey drama. (Yoo Seung Ho ❤️ Kim So Hyun 2)
During the heavy drama filming, Seung Ho joked around and he was having fun with So Hyun. Even at that scene filming, the director told them not to be too happy because there was Hwa Goon (Yoon So Hee).
After they filmed the VLive, Dispatch said that Seung Ho-So Hyun interactions and chemistry in VLive were sweeter than the drama.
It's a proof that actually Seung Ho was very happy with So Hyun.
Also, both Seung Ho and So Hyun blamed themselves as the reason of messy things in Ruler. Seung Ho blamed himself because he couldn't express some part of his acting, while So Hyun blamed herself because she felt that she couldn't understand Ga Eun character and couldn't portray Ga Eun as good as she should be.
But I'm glad because as they said, they were becoming the strength for each other.
Both are very humble... I really hope that they will never blame themselves from now on.
So, with other drama, it's only about the drama and his personal achievements. But in Ruler, it's also about So Hyun.
Seung Ho who's very introvert, and it's really difficult for him to get close to the others.
It’s so difficult for Seung Ho to get close with the others. He
only shows his real self to his very close and trust-able friends. At works, usually
he only talks about anything related to his works. He doesn’t like to make new
friends, because as he said, he is afraid that his new friends only see him as
“celebrity YSH”. He said that his close friends mostly aren’t celebrity and
they already know each other for years.
Ruler: Master of The Mask Press Conference |
How about So Hyun?
only know him as “well-mannered YSH”, “quiet YSH”. But I believe he shows his
true self to So Hyunie, because as she said, she found YSH as "playfull YSH", “witty YSH”,
“sensitive YSH”, and other sides of Seung Ho that never been shown to other people.
Both Seung Ho and So Hyun feel that they've known each other for a long time. Even, Seung Ho said that he feels like he went to school together with So Hyun. What's that mean? Seung Ho's Friends mostly are his long-term friends and his friends from school. He got the similar feelings for So Hyun. It means that he is very comfortable with her, even he came out from his comfort zone just to get close with her. Both are introvert and have a hard time to get close to the others, but Seung Ho always tried to start the conversation with So Hyun, and joke around. So Hyun also opened her heart and they're talking about many things, not only about acting. Usually, Seung Ho doesn't talk much with her co-stars. If he has to do that, it's only related to the works, even in his recent drama (IANAR). But with So Hyun, it's different.
Both are professional and experienced actors, they have a great chemistry, even without talking too much they could do the team works very well (both of them said the same thing). Because they didn't really need to talk too much about acting, to get close with each other, they talked about many other things (including about their friends).
They also being careful when they talked about acting (as Seung Ho said, especially about romantic scenes), one of the reason is because So Hyun was still a minor at that time.
think Seung Ho wanted to say that all of his co-stars are just the
same. Nothing special, they only talked about acting and works (only if necessary). If there
is someone who could make him talked about many things (not only about
works), she must be special to him and he feels very comfortable with
her. We know who is she... Of course our Ssovely 😍
Also, it's another proof that Seung Ho never mind about "the six years age gap". Age is just a number.
I love the way So Hyun talked about Seung Ho and praised him. She didn't only talk about Seung Ho physically (example : "he's very handsome"), but she talked about his personality (Seung Ho is somehow different from his image).
Seung Ho changed since Ruler
He has been an actor for 19 years, but in Ruler is the first time for him to fell into his character and act wholeheartedly. As far as I know, Ruler is not his best drama, according to ratings or the character. But it's the first time for him. What's the reason, Seung Ho ya?
He did the post drama interviews, photo shoot for magazine (plus interview), and even accepted a drama with new genre for him (of course after he mentioned several times that he wants to work together with So Hyun again in a modern and lovey-dovey drama).
So Hyun also accepted a Rom-com drama. And now, some Korean Media mentioned that she is the new "Rom-com Queen". Looks like our couple are preparing their best for their next drama together. Rom-com Queen and King, it sounds so great, right?
I always love to read Seung Ho's interviews. He always make me amazed with his answer. He is humble and mature. But if we read his older interview until now, we can see that he is becoming more mature. As I said before, I believe that So Hyun has something to do with that. Seung Ho always said that So Hyun is very mature (you can read at Yoo Seung Ho ❤️ Kim So Hyun 4 ).
About fell into character,
I guess because it's the first time for Seung Ho to fall into his character, sometimes he still get carried with his personal feeling. Do you remember about the famous "hug ad-lib"?
And in IANAR he said clearly that everything was just acting. drama is drama and reality is reality.
Seung Ho felt empty after Ruler ended.
He never said something like this after any of his dramas or movies. I guess the long 7 months of filming was very meaningful to him. After Ruler, Seung Ho rewarded himself. He said that if he felt unsatisfied with his work, he would just stay at home and assumed that the world is end. He spent his time alone at home. But after Ruler, he became less strict to himself. He do what he wanted to do.
That's great Seung Ho ya... You deserved that.
So basically, Seung Ho gained his confident back because Ruler, and he gain more in IANAR because despite of the low rating, as he said, he could deliver the message of the drama pretty well and the viewers love his acting.
Seung Ho doesn't like to lie
No need to explain, right?
His answer in his recent interview about his co-star was very clear.
With So Hyun? He never said no to a question about dating for real with her.
(Yoo Seung Ho ❤️ Kim So Hyun 3)
He mentioned again about Skin Scuba
Let's summarize about how many times our couple mentioned about diving.
1. So Hyun (Ruler Post Interview)
2. Seung Ho (Ruler Post Interview)
3. Seung Ho (Haru Hana Magazine)
4. So Hyun (Marie Claire Korea January 2018 Issue)
5. Seung Ho (IANAR Post Interview)
6. Seung Ho (Elle Korea)
six times!
what's that mean? Do you guys try to give us another hint?
So Hyun did many underwater filming for her previous dramas and movies. But she never mentioned anything about scuba diving. After Ruler, she mentioned it more than once.
Seung Ho mentioned skin scuba and So Hyun mentioned scuba diving. As far as I know, there is no skin scuba, but maybe what Seung Ho means is skin diving and scuba diving. For the further explanation you can check this website: diving.
Just go together already, Seung Ho ya, So Hyun ah!
Enjoy your vacation and new experiences!
We know that Seung Ho and So Hyun are match by heaven. Similar personalities, similar background, similar taste of music, and now similar hobbies.
But it's still make me amazed, about how match they are. Even without trying too hard to look for their similarities and hints from them, we can found it! 😊
Remember, as a shipper, we have to love them as individual and couple. Try to know and understand about them.
Special thanks to:
Loveiskim (shyshyislove)
Knighthestral17 (shyshy_cupid)
all shyshy shippers in the world
without you, I am nothing...
I love you... thanks for being with me in this ship ❤️❤️❤️