[UPDATE] Kim So Hyun Instagram Update October 12th, 2018

MC So Hyun is back!


[Eng] Iโ€™m the MC for MBC โ€œUnder Nineteenโ€!! Iโ€™m so happy to be with 57 creative participantsโ™ฅ๏ธ Iโ€™ll introduce you to teenage friends who shine like gemstone, so please look forward to the broadcast!

"Under Nineteen" is MBCโ€™s New Idol Debut Survival Show to create a teenage boy group. There will be 57 teenage contestants. they will be divided into 3 categories/ positions (vocal, rap and performance/ dance) with 19 contestants in each category/ position. MBC wants to create a new style of teenage idol group by combining the top contestants from each category.

The mentor of each category will be called as "Director". The vocal directors are Crush and EXID Solji, rap director is Dynamic Duothe master of Hip-Hop in Korea. And the director of performance/ dance category is Super Junior Eunhyuk.

The filming of participant's profile was done on October 1st, and the first episode is scheduled to air in the first week of November.

source: Newsen

[Eng] I want to drink yuja tea ๐ŸŠ simkoong (my heart flutters)๐Ÿพ

#BecauseThisisMyFirstTwenty Ep 3๐Ÿ˜ด

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