[UPDATE] Yoo Seung Ho Instagram Update July 31st, 2018 (KST)

Finally! Incam! thank you for fulfilling your promise to give us an incam video 💕
(at his 2018 Seoul FM, Yoo Seung Ho promised to show his fans the incam video when he is doing the drift)

A post shared by 유승호 Official by San Ent. (@yooseungho.san.official) on

[Eng] as promised, incam
I'll upload the video about the car only up to this far :) (or it also means: it's my last post about the car video)

Noooo.... I want to see more about your drift video 😭

anyway, you didn't ruin your drift, Yoo Baewoo-nim. You are super cool, and handsome! as always 😉

[NEWS] Yoo Seung Ho Participated in INJE Speedium DRIFT CUP (IDC)

Yoo Seung Ho participated in the "2018 Vitour Tire INJE Speedium DRIFT CUP (IDC)". The video above is his performance yesterday (July 29th, 2018) for the 2round of the competition. He won the 4th place for single class.

Here is the result for the competition:

cr: @injedriftcup

Wow! daebak! it hasn't been long since he started this hobby (since Ruler filming ended, because he felt empty 😉
), but he already won the 4th place! and he was very busy for months because of drama filming, photo-shoot, promotion, etc. So proud of you, Seung Ho ya...
If I'm not mistaken, from the table of result above, he just need 1 point to be the same as the third place and 3 points to be the winner.
Next time, I belive he will get the first place! Yoo Baewoo-nim fighting!

[UPDATE] Yoo Seung Ho, a Great Man Who Quietly Doing Good Deeds for the World

Today (July 28th, 2018), someone (hyunmo_p nim) share on his instagram, Yoo Seung Ho secretly came to support 푸른 삶 캠프 (Pureunsalm Camp/ Blue Life Camp).
cr: hyunmo_p
If I'm not mistaken (so, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong 🙂), Pureunsalm Camp or 푸른 삶 당뇨 캠프 (Pureunsalm Dangnyo Camp/ Blue Life Diabetes Camp) is an annual camp for children with diabetes. It was held by Yonsei University College of Nursing and Children Hospital during Summer Holiday for 4 days and 3 nights.
This year, the camp was held at Unison Youth Training Center from July 25th, 2018 to July 28th, 2018.
Do you remember what Kim Seo Kyung Baewoo-nim said on his instagram post? Yoo Baewoo-nim is a great man who quitely doing good deeds for the world 💕

Thank you for sharing Park Hyun Moo-nim 🙂

[UPDATE] Kim So Hyun Instagram Update July 22nd, 2018

A post shared by 김소현 (@wow_kimsohyun) on

she looks so pretty and cute, with and without bangs 😍

I guess you are in a good mood, right Sohyunah? you keep updating your sns these days.
It makes me so happy. Thank you my Queen 💕

💕 copy paste couple 💕
cr: wow_kimsohyun, amazon.co.jp

[MAGAZINE] Yoo Seung Ho for Hanryu Pia Magazine August 2018 Issue

cr: romenokao

cr: ayabloomington 
cr: ayabloomington 

cr: walnutgrove0817 

[UPDATE] Kim So Hyun Instagram Update July 21st, 2018

A post shared by 김소현 (@wow_kimsohyun) on

[Eng] why do I lift my shoulders 🤔

CF filming?

Today, Ji Woo (one of So Hyun's best friends) talk about So Hyun and Mongsuk on her interview.
Q: Do you often meet your friends who also raise a dog?
A: I have many friends who raise dogs. My close friend since a long time a go, (Kim) So Hyun, also raise a dog named Mongsuk. Yesterday I met her. Momo (Ji Woo's dog) also played with Mongsuk.

cr: Sports Chosun

💕 So Hyun & Mongsuk and Ji Woo & Momo 💕
cr: wow_kimsohyunhi__jiwoo

[UPDATE] Yoo Seung Ho Instagram Update July 20th, 2018

A post shared by 유승호 Official by San Ent. (@yooseungho.san.official) on

It's really nice to get personal instagram update from The King...
Harry, right?
Harry looks healthy and cute 😍
Yoo Baewoo-nim, next, please share about samwol, myungwol, and joongji. or your photo with them (and The Queen maybe 😉) is better....
anyway, nice photo from our Photographer, Yoo Seung Ho 💕💕💕

[UPDATE] Kim So Hyun Instagram Update July 18th, 2018

Another instagram update from The Queen...
So happy to get two updates from her

A post shared by 김소현 (@wow_kimsohyun) on

[Eng] exercise with mongsuk 🌙

Beauty in simplicity 💕💕💕

[UPDATE] Yoo Seung Ho and Kim So Hyun Instagram Update July 18th, 2018

A post shared by 유승호 Official by San Ent. (@yooseungho.san.official) on

So cool!

A post shared by 김소현 (@wow_kimsohyun) on


[Eng] The weather is so hot ㅠㅠ please take care of your health!

ouwww, the update from our King and Queen! So Hyun updated her instagram in less than an hour after Seung Ho instagram update lol

Be careful, Yoo Baewoo-nim...
but I guess, Sohyunie is already told you to be careful.
Yes, Sohyunah, it looks so hot (in Seung Ho's car drifting video)... 😂
and car drifting looks dangerous, right? just look at Seung Ho's car bumper.
He needs to take care, right?
Besides, why do both of you used "" (crying)? lol


Is it another coincidence?
But... Sohyunah, can I assume that your caption is for your Oppa? 😉😂

[AD] Kim So Hyun Greeting Video for Hanyul "First Duty Free Store Opening Celebration" Event

[한율 1호 면세 매장 오픈 기념 이벤트] 생기 가득한 소현이가 전하는 한율의 맑은 소식 이제 신세계 면세 강남점에서 한율을 만날 수 있어요! 여름 휴가 전, 한율 면세 매장에서 한율 인생템 만나고 싱그럽게 떠나요. _ 소현이의 인사 영상을 공유해주세요! 추첨을 통해 5분께 #어린쑥수분진정크림 정품을 드립니다. _ 이벤트 참여 방법 ✔해당 게시물을 리그램 해주세요. ✔한율 공식 인스타그램을 팔로우하시고 ✔소식 나누고 싶은 친구를 소환하면 완료됩니다. _ 참여 기간 : 7월 18일(수)~7월 22일(일) 당첨자 발표 : 7월 23일(월) / 당첨자 분께는 개별 DM 발송 이미 팔로우하신 분들도 참여 가능합니다. _ #한율 #HANYUL #한율면세점 #신세계면세점강남점 #신세계인터넷면세점 #자연주의 #김소현 #kimsohyun #kbeauty
A post shared by 한율 공식 인스타그램입니다. (@hanyulofficial) on


[Eng] Hi~ nǐ hǎo (hallo)!
I’m Hanyul model, Kim So Hyun.
The first Hanyul Duty Free Store has been opened at Shinsegae Duty Free, Gangnam!
Please visit the store many times!
Wǒ ài nǐ (I love you)

Caption [Eng]:
[Hanyul "First Duty Free Store Opening Celebration" Event]
The lively So Hyun told you about Hanyul’s recent news.
Now you can find Hanyul Duty Free at Shinsegae Duty Free, Gangnam!
In summer holiday, go and find the Hanyul Holy Grail items at our duty free store.
Please share So Hyun’s greeting video
We will give “Hanyul Pure Artemisia Watery Calming Cream” to 5 persons through the draw.
Participation method
Please regram the relevant post
Follow Hanyul official instagram
Mention your friend whom you want to share the news with
Participation period: July 18th (Wednesday) – July 22nd (Sunday)
Winners announcement: July 23rd (Monday)/ individual DM for each winner
People who already followed our official instagram can also participate in the event.

on July 14th, Hanyul gave Sohyunie a cake

The writing on cake:
Hanyul's muse Kim So Hyun-ssi ❤️
Please take good care of us from now on

Hanyul and Sohyunie is a perfect combination, right?
natural beauty 💕💕💕

[MAGAZINE] Kim So Hyun BTS Photos of Cosmopolitan Korea July 2018 (Naver Blog)

first photo-shoot at Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden

second photo-shoot at a small town near Sunshine Coast

the last photo-shoot at Sunshine Coast Beach

dinner at Sunshine Coast Beach
About the photo above, the owner of the naver blog said:
"Actually when (celebrities) are having a personal/ private time like this and there are people who ask for taking photo, the managers would say, "taking photo is a bit....", but Kim So Hyun-ssi is really hate to stop them to take photo. If her fans ask her to take photo, she will definitely let them to take it. She also has a beautiful heart hahahaha"

As expected from our Hallyu Fairy 💕💕💕

Thank you so much for sharing 😊

[AD] Yoo Seung Ho for NH Card "Good To Be Together With Yoo Seung Ho" Event

Caption [Eng]:
[Good To Be Together With Yoo Seung Ho Event]
"You’re going to like it, right?!"
Of course~ we will do whatever uri seungho wants
Please make sure to follow Yoo Seung Ho to press the facebook like button
Get the chance to win the cool giveaways to welcome summer!

 Participation period: July 13th – July 27th
 participation method: you have to press the like button + leave the comment about the benefits you expect from NHCard + follow the post and write your nickname to increase your chance of winning!
 Winners announcement: August 9th (Thursday) **separate facebook notifications
 Prizes: Lumena desk fan (5 persons), 30,000 KRW gift voucher (5 persons) + Baskin-Robbins single king scoop (15 persons)

[AD] Yoo Seung Ho for NH Card "Yoo Seung Ho Follow Video" Event

. [유승호 팔로우 영상 이벤트] 승호가 말했다. "내가 더 사랑해”💘 여심저격 유승호 영상 확인하고 농카 인스타 팔로우하면 더운 여름을 이겨낼 경품이 와르르🎁🎊 - *참여방식: 농카 인스타그램 팔로우 필수 + 농카를 사랑하는 이유 댓글로 남기기 *참여기간: 7/13~7/22 *당첨발표: 8/3(금) **댓글 및 다이렉트 공지 *당첨경품: 마리몬드 핸디선풍기(5명), 배스킨라빈스 파인트(20명) - #NH농협카드 #농협카드 #농카 #농카스토리 #농카남녀 #nhcard #올바른생활카드 #유승호 #YOOSEUNGHO #love #럽스타그램 #사랑해 #이벤트 #event #경품 #마리몬드 #선풍기 #배스킨라빈스 #아이스크림 #여심저격 #농카열일 #농카팔로우 #농카좋아요
A post shared by 농협카드 (@nhcard.official) on

Caption [Eng]:
[Yoo Seung Ho Follow Video Event]
Seung Ho said, “naega deo saranghae (I love you more)” 💘
If you check the video of Yoo Seung Ho which captures women’s hearts and follow NongKha (NHCard) instagram, you will get the chance to win the giveaways to overcome the hot summer 🎁🎊
*participation method: you have to follow NongKha (NHCard) instagram account + leave the comment about the reason why do you love NHCard.
*Participation period: July 13th – July 22nd
*Winners announcement: August 3rd (Friday) **comment and direct notice
*Prizes: Marymond handy fan (5 persons), Baskin-Robbins pint size (20 persons)

[FM] Kim So Hyun First Japan Premium Fan Meeting Behind (BTS) by E&T Story Entertainment (Naver Post English Translation)

Not long ago, Actress Kim So Hyun's Japan Fan Meeting 
'Kim Sohyun 1st Premium Fanmeeting 2018' 
was held at Shinagawa Intercity Hall, Tokyo.

Actually, it's unbelievable to have the first Japan Fan Meeting
from a lot of fans who came to the interview with media
There was a great response at the venue

Then, together with E&T, 
shall we go to the moment when Japan was captured?

Actress So Hyun who did the rehearsal as soon as she arrived at the venue!

Actress So Hyun with serious expression on her face as if she was in a real concert (performance),

to overcome the tension + prevent the mistakes, 

she repeated the rehearsal many times
#this_is_someone_who_has_been_debuted_for_10_years #Kimpronim

after the rehearsal ended, she was getting ready for the real event
(looking at her expression, aren't we feel nervous too?..T_T)

she also signed the precious things for fans~

The fans were cheering loudly as she waited behind the stage

Finally, the event was started
The song which was prepared by Actress So Hyun

it was her first OST challenge,

SBS drama <Suspicious Housekeeper> 'First Love'
The venue was pink from the beginning by Actress So Hyun's sweet song

[Speaking Japanese]
"Hi! how do you do? I'm Kim So Hyun. It's nice to meet you. Please take care of me."

as she greeted the local fans with energetic Japanese greetings, 
the fan meeting was started for real

after a short talk about So Hyun's recent update and how she has been
there was an event where the fans tried to guess 
Actress So Hyun's projects (dramas) title, only by looking at the photos

the friendly photo taking with the fans as a gift!
if you are Actress So Hyun's fans, it's a very simple matter, right? :)

then, they continued to the deep talk about some of So Hyun's dramas
#humanX (she is not a human) #dollO (she is a doll)

Q. did you expect the popularity when the first time you were offered the role 
in MBC "Ruler: Master of The Mask"?
A. I was looking forward for it because I really like the script and the character 
rather than expected the hit (success)
instead, because of the weight for doing great acting and good achievement, 
I guess I thought about that a little bit after the drama were doing well.
I only tried my best and worked really hard

Q. If you can act once again in the same drama, 
which one of your projects will you choose?
A. KBS2 <Radio Romance>
When I acted as Geu Rim, I could pull more energy in my acting than usual.
If I can act as Geu Rim once again, I think I can receive the good energy like that time.

Q. I heard it was physically difficult when you filmed "Ruler: Master of The Mask"
A. Usually I did the 16 episodes of miniseries, 
so it was the first time for me to be in 20 episodes of drama. 
It's been a long time since the last time I was in Sageuk (Historical Drama), 
so I there was some pressure as well.
Also, even though I've practiced the horseback riding, 
it was very difficult to ride the horse at the filming site.
It was a little bit dangerous and I could be hurt, 
but I was able to experience many things.
Thanks to that, I think I've developed my stamina (physical strength), 
so I was relieved.

Just like this, 
Actress So Hyun talked about various episodes of the drama 
through the <Drama Zoom In (deep) Talk> corner

The fans had the chance to be a couple in a drama (with So Hyun) 
through the lottery draw of filming photo

#5959 (read: ohguohgu (it's the sound when you cooing a baby))


For the fans who burst into tears 
because she was able to meet (So Hyun) in person,
First, actress So Hyun comforted her by holding her hand 
and then she patted her back
#like_a_beekeper #who_want_some_honey?

The story about the projects (dramas) were ended like this

It's So Hyun favorite song, she picked the song 
as she remembered about the Japanese Fans
She opened the second session with the song of Movie 'Begin Again" OST, 
titled 'Lost Stars'

The first corner of the second session was 
<I’m curious about Kim So Hyun! Who are you Q&A>!

Actress So Hyun carefully read the the many questions which were prepared 
by the fans before the fan meeting

She sincerely answered any questions
she continued to make everyone at the venue to fall for her (^0^)/

The next corner was <Kim So Hyun's Special Gift>
Actress So Hyun performed various mission together with the fans, 
it's like precious gift time~
Please check the video below to know what kind of mission they had!

So Hyun sweetly ended the first fan meeting in Japan 
with the last song titled 'Ito (String)' by 'Nakajima Miyuki' :D

It didn't stop here, 
Actress So Hyun send-off the fans who were leaving the venue one by one
#one_person_one_honey_eyes #can_I_lie_down_here?

(So Hyun...please accept my love..)

Actress So Hyun 'revealed her charms' throughout the fan meeting 
just Like full gift set!
Please check the video to see the vivid scene of the fan meeting

Let's meet at E&T next post~

♡Make sure to follow our Naver Post and V App Channel!♡

cr: E&T Story Entertainment

Thank you so much E&T and So Hyun baewoo-nim.... 


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