[UPDATE] Kim So Hyun Instagram Update April 26th, 2018

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cr: Kim So Hyun

[TRANSLATION] Kim So Hyun for CeCi Korea November 2017 Issue

Itā€™s easy for us to think that we know the star who growing up through the public eyes well. Itā€™s lovely to get the title of ā€œNationā€™s little sisterā€ or ā€œNationā€™s little brotherā€, but they get the cold headed assessment in each of their growing up phase. Weā€™ve seen many times when the great love and interest turned into harsh comments in a flash moment. However I wonder if sometimes child actors are demanded to live with too ā€œbig heartā€. Kim So Hyun sits and stands with a bright smile on screen, but she seemed like a girl who dreams to leave into different world. I wonder what they would say if we sat face to face with the actors whose expert in showing the sad and happy expression. She was the busiest actress, she appeared in Drama ā€œThe Moon ThatEmbraces the Sunā€, "Who Are You?ā€, ā€œLetā€™s Fight, Ghostā€, ā€œRuler: Master of theMaskā€, and Movie ā€œPure Loveā€ for years. Kim So Hyun whoā€™s ready to break up with the time when there were many words of ā€œgrowing painsā€ and ā€œtransition periodā€, was more cheerful and brave than expected.

I thought you would take some rest after finished Drama ā€œRuler: Master of The Maskā€, but you also appeared in ā€œWhile You Were Sleepingā€. Are you like a ā€œworker antā€ who doesnā€™t take a rest?
Iā€™m still young but I think Iā€™m like people who destined to have a lot of work. And also, I like to have many projects. So far, Iā€™ve been continuously working without taking a long break period, I feel more comfortable and happy to keep continuing acting rather than taking a long time break. Sometimes I feel physically exhausted as well, but Iā€™ve found a way to overcome it through exercise and mind control, itā€™s just that I didnā€™t try to take a break.

Do you feel anxious because you arenā€™t used to take a rest?
When I receive a good project, there is desire to do it. I do my best and work hard to do the project that I want to do. So itā€™s not that I work to reach certain number of projects, at some points I feel like Iā€™ve been doing so much without taking any break. Itā€™s not that I wanted to do the project because I feel anxious, but I choose to take the role depend on the project itself.

But the words ā€œgrowing painsā€ and ā€œtransition periodā€ has been appeared repeatedly in the interview since last year. Howā€™s your feeling now?
I think itā€™s about 70%.  Itā€™s just happened a while ago. Iā€™ve talked about it several times, but itā€™s very hard for me after Drama ā€œRulerā€ ended. I have a lot of worries at that time, but now some of them already disappeared.

It must be hard for you, how did you get through it?
I filmed ā€œRulerā€ for about 7 months and then I was overwhelmed with the emptiness because suddenly my schedule was empty.  The time that I spent in my home was feel meaningless to me. I didnā€™t feel comfortable even though I was resting, I was depressed for a while. Then I tried to focus on my daily life. I did my best in work out, I feel great because my body and mind were refreshed. I always like to watch movie at home, I want to have another hobby so I bought miniature DIY. I want to slowly make it. I tend to focus on one thing and canā€™t be distracted by the other things. 

Anyway, itā€™s a profession with continuous heavy tension and relaxation. Donā€™t you have some kinds of tips about the self-rearrangement between those two conditions?
Thatā€™s right. I got a lot of help from people around me. Especially from my acting teacher since childhood who gives me many good advice. She told me not to think negatively when Iā€™m experiencing a hard time and try to change my perspective to make me more understand about my situation. And by changing my mindset, I think on the other hand I take it as a process of growing up. I try my best to think positively.

What do you think is still left behind after you get through the hard transition period?
I put down my worries and anxiety. When Iā€™m suffering, actually I think there must be a reason why itā€™s so hard for me. Iā€™m still young, and thereā€™s so much more to go through from now on. So rather than keep grumbling about my problem alone, which will give the negative impact to people around me, I tried to get through it with a light heart. It makes me more comfortable.

Thatā€™s right. I guess you feel relieved because you answered it with a smile.  It seems like most actors who have been active since childhood are kind and upright. All of you are consciously thinking to grow up like that, right?
I donā€™t know exactly about the others. Anyway itā€™s a profession which gets attention from the public eyes. Even though I donā€™t mean to be a role model, I try my best not to give negative influences to people around my age. I think people who have been watching me since I was a child also expect me to grow well.

Have you ever felt pressured or burdened by their expectations?
There are many people who are born with tendency to be cautious ever since theyā€™re in their young age. Because I always together with the adults, I feel more comfortable to be cautious in every aspect. When I think about it now, it would be nice if I could do what I wanted to do. But I have no regrets.

Itā€™s a common thing for people who have entered the adult society since early age. Do you have any worries or gap among your same age friend?
Iā€™ve never felt such a thing. But I once thought that my worries may sound like a complaint from my friendsā€™ point of view. Iā€™ve done what I want to do and accomplished my dreams earlier than my friend, if I complain too much in that situation it might make them upset.

Do your friends give you honest advice? For example, do they tell you honestly about the malicious comments of your acting on the articles?
They tell me about the positive things first, and if there are many malicious comments they will give me a lot of comforts. If itā€™s hard for me, I wonā€™t hide it and tell them what I feel.  Sometimes I sent them the malicious comments after I captured it. (laugh) Then they would ask me, whatā€™s wrong, and we would talk. They told me not to care too much about it and we would talk honestly and comfortably.

You said before that you used to talk to yourself during shower time, like a self-interview. Do you still have that habit these days?
Yes, I still continue doing it. (laugh) In my mind, I have a lot of questions for myself. I like the process of questioning myself. The questions are about the problems with the others, acting problems, and what I dislike recently. I have a very wide range of questions.

By questioning yourself, do you find the answers for your problem recently?
I kept complaining about my problems, and I wonder what make it so difficult for me. Because I kept whining pointlessly when I took a break from my work, and said that it was so difficult. One day my mom asked me what was so difficult but I couldnā€™t come up with any answer. Since then, I thought to stop myself from a bad habit of saying ā€œitā€™s difficultā€.

Youā€™ve played dozens of character so far. I wonder which one is the closest to ā€œKim So Hyunā€ and which one is the opposite and the most difficult character?
Let me think for a moment. Itā€™s difficult to answer. Yoon Yoo Seul from ā€œPage Turnerā€ is my favorite character. Itā€™s character written by ā€œWhile You were Sleepingā€ Park Hye Ryun Writer-nim. Yoo Seul personalities are very different from my real self, but I want to be closer with those kinds of characters. So it made me had a strong desire to play it well as much as it made me feel tired at the same time. The tone (accent) and the way of speaking are all different, I didnā€™t know how to express it. So I was very cautious for each of the gestures, I changed everything from the eye contact (the way I gaze) to the tone when I spoke my dialogues.

Do you think youā€™ll do better if you are given chance to play the same character?
I donā€™t know if I can do better, but I really tried my best at that time. So, I want to play the same character again. As I play the leading role and my roles are becoming bigger, my depth of focus is different than when I was at my young age, when the project (drama) is over I need time to get out from it. I thought I wouldnā€™t affected by the character, but it remained inside for a while.

Compared to when So Hyun-ssi started acting, now, and in the future, the world changes and the public demands from the actors are also different. I wonder what kind of person that you want to be.
Thatā€™s true. Whether as an actress and as a person, I think I should never lose my concern to the world no matter how it changes. It may not easy if I donā€™t understand, but I want to help whenever I can. 

Maybe you want to give your voice (speak) in the areas where you can give the influence as an actress.
Thatā€™s why I want to learn a lot and establish my own values. I think thatā€™s my priority. If I donā€™t know the differences of how the other people thinking, as an actress I can hurt the others too. It may even more because the actors affect the viewers. I want to find out wisely.

If you have one week vacation starting tomorrow, what do you want to do every day?

First, I want to go to a quiet place. Jeju-do would be nice, and I also want to go to Sweden. I want to spend my time by reading book alone and eating the delicious foods at the beautiful place that close to nature.

You look so happy now (laugh)
Usually my happiest time is when I play with my dog, Mongsuk. I think itā€™s enough to live a meaningful life rather than trying to find happiness at somewhere else. It means, Iā€™m happy today as well. 


cr: CeCi
translated by: MsSubak

[TRANSLATION] Kim So Hyun for TENASIA September 2017 Issue



Last month, you celebrated your 9th year debut anniversary. Do you realize that youā€™ve lived more than half of your life as an actress?
Half of my life? (laugh) I donā€™t really realize about that. Every time I hear about this, I would be like ā€œthatā€™s how long Iā€™ve been actingā€ and then I try to find out what works Iā€™ve been doing so far. Iā€™m grateful to be able to act constantly.
You were filming ā€œRulerā€ continuously in the first half of this year. Is this your first time to be in a drama for such a long time?
I learned many things from this long drama. Especially in the second half of it, I cried a lot as Kim So Hyun and as Han Ga Eun.

Why did you cry a lot?
I think I lack in many things as an actress. Itā€™s my first time to be in a 20 episodes drama, and it was difficult for me to lead the drama. When I was a child actress I didnā€™t have to worry about it since I wasnā€™t the lead of the drama, but I have a lot of thoughts in this drama. When I faced the difficulty, the process to solve it was though and difficult.

How did you start to act?
I didnā€™t have a high aspiration in acting. When I entered the elementary school, my mom asked me if I would go to piano or acting lesson, and I was vaguely attracted to acting academy. Thatā€™s how I started acting.

Is it like a fate to start acting?
Well, I started acting out of curiosity and I didnā€™t have any confidence about it. My mom also didnā€™t register me to an acting academy to become an international actress. I didnā€™t know that I would be an actress for such a long time. Ha ha. As the time passed by, acting naturally became a part of me.


Did you feel not confident because you thought that you didnā€™t have any talent in acting?
It was like that in the first 2-3 years since I started acting. My mom followed and took care about me, and because of that I concerned about the lack attentions to my brother. I was burdened because it seemed that my family had to sacrifice pointlessly for me who wasnā€™t talented enough.

How did you learn about the fun of acting?
When I was in 5th grade, there was movie ā€œMan of Vendettaā€. It was not a character (role) that was suitable for my age, but I really wanted to do it. It was the first time my heart beat (for acting). I prepared for the audition the night before it with enthusiasm until I got the dark circle. After the fifth stage of audition, I cried when I came back home because I felt that I wouldnā€™t make it. Then I remember returned to the director after I received the acceptance call.
You are called as an actress whoā€™s growing up together with Kim Yoo Jung and Nam Ji Hyun. Isnā€™t it a burden for you to be compared with same age actress?
I think itā€™s because there are not many actors who are growing up from child to adult actors, thatā€™s why people compare us and make it as if it is a competition. I canā€™t help this kind of situation, but I think Iā€™ll become gradually exhausted when Iā€™m aware of this competition.  Itā€™s because we consider each other as rival not as a fellow actor, it will be hard for us not to worry about something that we donā€™t have but our friends have it. Now other than child actors, there will be many new same age actors, but we wonā€™t see it as a competition.

Youā€™ve appeared in more than 30 dramas since 2008 drama ā€œHometown Legendā€. If we calculate it, you appear in 3 dramas in a year. Do you have a prolific desire?
If we only look at the projects, Iā€™m a prolific actress, but actually it was possible as a child actress. To say it, I only appeared several times in total of 16 episodes. Of course I have desire to continue having projects.

Next year you will be an adult actress. Do you want to appear in many dramas as what you did when you were a child actress or do you want to play a great character/role have one project in a year?
Itā€™s a half and half. Until now, I never had a long break period. Iā€™m also afraid that people may forget about me if I take a long break. There are many people who also good at actin, and I think I may lost my sense (if I take a long break). But I also have desire to have a lifeā€™s work even though I break a little bit longer.

When you become an adult actor, the public's view will be stricter than it is now.
I felt it slightly when I appeared in ā€œRulerā€. I think now public have a high expectation for me. I also think that itā€™s a transition period. When I become an adult actress, I will face many more competition than now, I think I should fill my lack parts in ā€œRulerā€ in my next project.

Even though youā€™ve appeared in many dramas and movies, but it seems like you played more sad roles that have many stories rather than a lively or fresh character. Donā€™t you want to change your image?
Naturally, child characters have many stories. They separate with people they love or their parents passed away, if you donā€™t lose your memory the drama wonā€™t develop. (Laugh) Rather than change my image, I need to have my own acting color first. Even the senior actors said, ā€œDonā€™t be impatientā€. There are many things that I want to show, but Iā€™ve advised that all of them have their own right time. Now I want to play a role that suitable for my age and grow into an actress who plays various roles gradually.

If you didnā€™t become an actress, did you have another dream?
I think I studied psychology. When I was in middle school, there was a psychology teacher who always greeted the student with a smile. Not only me, but there were many of my friends who liked to stay in her room. When I had a problem I would tell her and she would listen to me and give me a good advice, it was enough as a healing. I was grateful to have a teacher like her, and I think Iā€™d like to become someone like her.

What do you really want to do when you become an adult?
I want to learn to cook and drive. There are big differences in acting when I know or donā€™t know about it (have experience or not). Of course, it will be great to learn from someone whoā€™s great in cooking and driving.

Last year in ā€œLetā€™s Fight Ghostā€ post interview, you said, ā€œbeing happy is my biggest concernā€. Are you still like that?
I guess that was because there were many happy things that happened last year. (Laugh) This year, Iā€™m suffering in growth problem. There were many parts that didnā€™t meet with my expectation when I was filming ā€œRulerā€, there are things that I should have done to overcome the public strict evaluation, but I couldnā€™t do it. But I donā€™t feel bad about my current situation. I believe that I become more mature as an actress as much as I feel the pain.

translated by MsSubak