Full video: IANAR BTS (Ep.31&32)

Again, I didn’t find anything special.


NG. He smiled a little bit but his expression was annoyed and wanted to end the filming quickly.


It’s group photo time. CSB asked YSH to seat beside her. YSH (flat expression) asked her to move and give him more space. He chose to seat on the sofa arm and put his pocket inside his jacket.


Some of them laughed, but YSH only looked at them blankly.


YSH was looked so tired and sleepy. He didn’t look excited to take the photo.


YSH stood and sighed, without looked at anyone. I guess he really tired.

Additional points:

  1. I guess he still keep the distance. He chose to sat on the sofa arm even though there was enough space for him
  2. Usually when you take a photo with someone that you like, you will feel excited. But YSH obviously show a tired and sleepy face.
  3. Ninja YSH is back! Well, no need to explain which wrap up party is the most special for him lol



Let’s jump right in.

1st Video

Full video : http://m.tv.naver.com/v/2602484  
For the first video, I didn’t find anything special (as usual). They just did the rehearsal and mostly, it’s a part of the drama (script).

The funny thing is that his reaction after doing the aegyo was similar with KSH. They got cringe and didn’t want to do it anymore.

2nd Video

YSH and CSB talked and discuss casually about the scene. They talked about how to do the scene, and shared opinion about it. YSH didn’t joke around, just a professionalism.
Filming started.
The director shouted cut. YSH broke the kiss and looked at somewhere else. Because he felt the awkwardness (not shyness) he chose to leave. He said, "aigoo" and then he cleared his throat and say something while he was leaving.
The filming started, CSB did the NG, but seems like YSH didn’t understand what made her laughed. His face was like, “what’s wrong? Let’s end it quickly”
NG again. YSH immediately looked at somewhere else. And if you ask why after NG, seems like YSH hugged CSB, it’s because their position. If you ever watched the kiss scene BTS of Remember, he also did it with PMY.
NG again. YSH looked at somewhere else (again), and seems to look a little bit annoyed because the PD keeps asking to redo the scene.  And at 01:47 YSH smiled because it’s a part of the scene (script)
The PD shouted "cut, OK" YSH immediately broke the kiss and looked at somewhere else. I can see that he felt a little bit embarrassed.

3rd Video
Full video : http://m.tv.naver.com/v/2602466 
Video III proves to us that YSH and CSB didn’t really have interaction except when they filmed the scenes.
YSH and CSB talked without looked at each other, YSH only glanced at her several times.
CSB sang but YSH was busy, he talked with his staff until 01:07.

Additional points:
  1. From the first time we heard that YSH would be a part of Romcom Drama, we should prepare our self to see this kind of scenes. YSH is known as a good kisser, even before he turned adult. He already did many kiss scenes, light or deep. The deepest were in OP and Joseon Magician. I think the kiss in Ep 29 and 30 was similar with OP, although I still think that OP was kind of deeper, because the position. Also, in Joseon Magician, although it’s only a few seconds but if you look carefully it’s a deep kiss. Joseon Magician kiss is the short version of OP. My point is, his feeling for his co-star doesn’t depend on how deep the kiss scenes. He did it many times before (even many times in one drama), and nothing happened between him and his co-star. He is a professional actor. Let’s focus on his reactions after the kiss…
  2. His reactions after the kisses were similar with his reactions after his kiss scenes before Ruler. He always looked at somewhere else and laughed, like it was nothing. Again, in Ruler after he broke the kiss, he immediately looked at KSH for several seconds (well I don’t know how long exactly, because he still looked at her when they cut the video)
  3. In the BTS, seems like they kissed for a long time without broke the kiss, but if we watch carefully the angle changed. Some people said that they kissed for a long time, this is the first time YSH kissed for a long time. But it’s not. Again, I think OP was longer. And in Ruler we only saw that YSH and KSH only did for several seconds, but in drama the angle changed several times. I guess they did it as many as IANAR. But because “underage” issue, MBC decided to only show us several seconds.
  4. The last part of the video Seungho looked a little bit embarrassed (and sighed of relieved, like said, "ah, finally it's over). well, who doesn’t feel embarrassed after doing the kiss scene with someone while you have no feelings towards her in front of many people. It's an awkward feeling, right? He always looked shy and laughed after the kiss scenes before Ruler. My point is, in IANAR and other dramas before Ruler YSH only care about the scene itself and he didn’t check his co-star after the kiss.
  5. I can feel nothing in last night Kiss Scene (drama and BTS). well, I was a little bit shocked, but after that I was like, "ah,OK". I care more about his reaction, and the way he broke the kiss. Everytime the director shouted "cut" or "once again", he immediately broke the kiss (01:12, 01:36, 01:42, and even after a long one at 02:55). It means he didn't feel anything, he was fully conscious and alert of his surrounding and waited for the director to shout "cut".
  6. In Ruler, YSH thumb was caressing KSH head during kiss scene, I don't see something similar in IANAR.   
  7. Like YSH and KSH said, ocean kiss in Ruler was just a ppoppo, but somehow they made it feels like a deep and passionate kiss. Their ability to create such an "image and atmosphere/vibe" and make us still can't believe that it was just a ppoppo scene, is a proof that their chemistry is so great and undeniable. I can't imagine what will it feel like when in their reunion (as soon as possible please) they do a passionate and deep kisses 😄
  8. YSH didn't joke around or feel nervous. I remember read his interview after Ruler. He said that he tried to lift the mood and joke around so that KSH would be more comfortable during kiss scene filming, but KSH looked at him and said, "take it easy, Oppa". 
  9. All IANAR BTS were scripted and mostly a part of the drama. I don’t find any adlib. It looks like they were having fun (laughed a lot at BTS before MBC Drama Awards) because the drama genre. What made Ruler special are the facts that YSH keep doing adlib (hug KSH, stared at her after the kiss scene, etc) and even he laughed despite the fact that it was a serious or sad scene.
  10. The fact that in BTS they only show us mostly about the scene of the drama means that there is nothing between them. YSH interactions with his co-star were just part of the drama (script).
  11. In the last part of the video,there was no one (crew) that seems interested with YSH and CSB.
  12. IANAR filming was already ended, the last group photos showed to us that YSH still keeping his distance. He chose to stand between Kang Ki Young and Song Jae Ryeong (Hoktal) rather than in the middle with other main cast.
  13. Let's not feel down after one kiss scene. We have a lot things as proofs that YSH-KSH has a special feeling towards each other. It's so obvious. Don't let one thing that obviously a part of the drama (their job) make us lose our faith in them. Let's prove that shyshy shippers are strong! Fighting!
P.S. Shyshy shippers never force and don't need to force anything, because we speak and give our opinion based on facts. cheers!

Pictures for point no 9:

IANAR (Source : Naver)

RULER (Source : IMBC)

Both scenes in IANAR and Ruler were a sad scene (even in Ruler, the emotion was deeper because it's a mix of sadness, anger, frustration and disappointment), but obviously, YSH laughed a lot and joked around while he was so serious in IANAR.